Hours of Operation
Tuesday through Friday
10:00 am til 5:00 pm.
Saturdays 10:00 am til 2:00 pm.
Closed Sunday & Monday
PO Box 1366 Moriarty, NM
Phone #: (505)832-0839
Fax #: (505)832-9286
Group Visits
Group visits can be scheduled at hours different than the hours of operation. Please call to schedule one!
Our Display Window
The Civic Center Lobby Display for March is theitems from a collection on the "Buffalo Soldiers in New Mexico". Due to popular demand we are holding the display for a second month.
The Officers
Rosalyn Sammie Pachta - President
Tina J. Ortega - Vice President
Wyoma McComb - Secretary-Treasurer
- Membership Information -
- City of Moriarty -
- New Mexico Museum Site -
- Moriarty Community Library -
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Current News: The Moriarty Historical Society and Museum competed for and has received a Phase I Grant from the New Mexico Historical Records Advisory Board to fund an "ORAL HISTORY COLLECTION" called "Cuentos de Abueletos". Under this program we will start interviewing some 25 of our "valley old timers". Interviews of their memories will be video recorded, taped and transcribed. We are also transcribing some 25 older tape recorded interviews from a donation.
On the Newspaper project we made microfiche on some thirteen old newspapers published in thie Estancia valley between 1883 and 1950. Our volunteers continue working on the NAMESEARCH database that will be used by our patrons and researchers to locate articles in the old issues about the valley oldtimers and our relatives. We now have a temporary office and volunteers working in Willard, NM.
We served 20,310 visitors during the year 2008.
We have served 2,294 visitors thru the last of February, 2009.
Introduction... The Moriarty Historical Society is a 501(C)(3) organization located in Moriarty, New Mexico. It was established on March 28, 1974 to provide a central repository of objects and information that demonstrates the historic role played by Moriarty and the surrounding area in the occupation of this portion of the Estancia Valley, New Mexico.
Scope of Collection...
Objects in the collections must relate to the interpretive themes and objectives of the Society. The interpretive themes identified in this plan are as follows:
1. The role and significance of different peoples who occupied the area over time, from the Native American through the Hispanic and Euro-American pioneers and settlers into 1950.
2. The effects of Western expansion on the area, region, and the contributions of the Estancia Valley basin to New Mexico and the United States.
3. The lifestyles and living environments of people and families in the area.
4. The structural and architectural evolution of this area.